Well, hello there!
I’m basically just writing to say happy 2022. Normal programming will resume next week.
But since this newsletter has gotten quite a few new subscribers in the last month (thanks to a post on me meeting Harry Styles that went a bit viral… ) I wanted to say welcome.
Hope you’ll stick around even when I’m not hanging around international stars!
To give you bit of a taste of what you can expect from these emails let’s look back at some of the themes we have covered in 2021.
We have looked at why Women are NOT happy working for (chocolate covered) peanuts. Yes, WHY do we keep insisting that women are NEVER in it for the money?
We have learnt that roofs on cars were considered feminine which is why the car industry first rejected them. No, I’m not making this stuff up…
We have taken some economic lessons from guppy fish which led us to the conclusion that NO, women over 50 are not an economic problem.
I’ve also giving you my views on why most chefs are men while cooking at home is still seen as women’s work
We talked about how microphone technology helps silence women.
Why female leaders have NOT fared significantly better in the pandemic AND what ABBA’s costumes tells us about gender bias in the tax system.
Very happy you are all here and see you (properly) next week!